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Meet The Team – Sarah George

This week, our ‘Meet the Team’ segment shines a light on one of our Contract Support team, Sarah George. While catching up with Sarah, we discovered more about her day-to-day life, both inside and outside of her role at Ergro…

You joined Ergro in March, how are you getting on?

“I have really enjoyed my time with Ergro over the last few months, I’ve learnt a lot and have found everyone to be really supportive. It’s a lovely atmosphere to work in, the team in the office and engineers have been so welcoming.”

What’s the best part of your job?

“I love working with the contract support and the small works engineer team we all get on so well and have such a laugh which is nice to have at work.”

What makes your team run smoothly?

“Everyone is so supportive and really cares, if you’re struggling or busy someone is always willing to jump in and lend a hand.”

What made you choose to work Ergro?

“I was looking for a role where I could have the opportunity to learn and progress in my career and thought Ergro would be a great fit for this.”

What do you do in your spare time?

“I do a lot of platies and swimming; I have a 1-year-old Cocker spaniel puppy who keeps me and my partner busy, so we enjoy going on long dogs walks especially when they end up in local pub. I also can never say no to a Bottomless brunch with my friends or a bit of shopping.”

If you could move to any other country, which would you move to?

“I would love to move to a Greek island like Rhodes or Corfu, the heat and more chilled way of life would be lovely.”

You find a lottery ticket to win £10 million. What would you do?

“I would probably go on a bit of a shopping spree book a big holiday, buy a house abroad and then I should probably sensible pay off my mortgage, save and invest the rest.”

If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs—such as food and water—were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

“I would take a raft or something to try and get off the island maybe my phone so I can call someone to help, I’d hate to be stranded on my own with no one to talk to so I would be trying to escape asap haha!”